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maintenance of peace中文是什么意思

用"maintenance of peace"造句"maintenance of peace"怎么读"maintenance of peace" in a sentence


  • 维持治安


  • The maintenance of peace and stability in the northeast asia region conforms to the common interests of all the parties concerned
  • The pursuit and maintenance of peace should be the paramount guideline within this framework so as to ensure that neither side resorts to extreme means to change the status quo
  • Itshall promote understanding , tolerance and friendship among all nations , racial or religious groups , and shall further the activities of the united nations for the maintenance of peace
  • It shall promote understanding , tolerance and friendship among all nations , racial or religious groups , and shall further the activities of the united nations for the maintenance of peace
  • United states was at peace with that nation , and at the solicitation of japan , was still in conversation with its government and its emperor , working towards the maintenance of peace in the pacific
  • On the other hand , there have been and remain important areas of common global and regional security interests . key among these are the maintenance of peace and stability on the korean peninsula
  • The united states was at peace with that nation and , at the solicitation of japan , was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the pacific
  • Facts have proven already , and will continue to prove that china is a staunch force dedicated to the maintenance of peace in the region and the world , at large . now , let me comment on the questions posed to me by the american correspondents as they raised questions for president bush
    现在,我想回答一下刚才美国记者向布什总统提问时提给我的问题。布什总统比我有经验得多。 (我认为布什总统在会见新闻记者时比我更有经验。
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